Local 199 Enters Second Round of Negotiations

Today the Local 199 Contract Committee permanent delegation of seven began the second round of contract negotiations with the County. Local 199 submitted proposals to the County that were compiled by Contract Committee members from coworkers at their respective worksites.

At the top of the list, Local 199 strongly requested that the Union enter into an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with the County to agree that any and all cost savings that result from the current collective bargaining negotiations be allocated back to Local 199. That means, any savings allocated back to AFSCME Local 199 will go back to the working families we represent at Local 199.

During today’s negotiations, the County reiterated its demand for a 15% cost savings in health care from Local 199. The County proposal, in short, keeps employee benefits at the same level as previous years, but narrows the network of hospitals under the plan.

Local 199 is exploring other cost-saving measures with respect to health care, including putting the County’s group health care plan, currently administered by AvMed, out to bid. Initial estimates suggest putting group health care out to bid with another insurance provider could save between $15 and $40million.

Under Local 199’s proposed MOU, that money would be used rehire employees or prevent layoffs resulting from the Mayor’s budget cuts altogether.

“We’re looking for ways to save as many jobs as possible. That is very important to us, and we take this seriously at Local 199,” said Administrator Andy Madtes. “I know what it is like to have a parents go back to their kids and tell them significant sacrifices are going to have to be made to make ends meet.”

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